Mission Statement:
The Auckland Climate Science Centre is committed to developing a science-led research initiative to provide solutions to climate issues in New Zealand and globally. The aim is to provide opportunities for developing student engagement and bringing together the specialists in climate and related physical sciences for collaboration.
Climate and environmental change continue to stand as a backdrop for substantial social and economic shifts of the forthcoming decades. Understanding, predicting, adapting to and reducing the impacts of climate change requires coordinated efforts. The New Zealand commitment to emissions reduction by 2030 and onward to net zero, requires fundamental new synergies between academia, industry, finance sectors, government, and other communities. Substantial changes in the national funding models that support climate research are being reviewed, and links to the function of the Crown Research Institutes, the role of government agencies in funding research, and the role that academic institutions can play.
Climate Research Centre
University of Auckland,
Physics Department,
Private Bag 92019,
Victoria Street West,
Auckland 1142
Courier delivery
Climate Research Centre
University of Auckland
Physics Department
Building 303, Level 6 Reception,
38 Princes Street
Auckland 1010
Freight shipping
University of Auckland
Department of Physics
Science Centre B303
Carpark 40 Delivery Bay, Wellesley Street East
Auckland 1010
New Zealand